101 6th street
san francisco, California 94103

Calling all golden children, rave goddesses, and lycra lovers...

Tonight STRETCH Sunday presents a new way to ride out your weekend strong...

Stretching improves circulation, decreases blood pressure and, most importantly, feels amazing! It will speed up your recovery from last night's adventure so that Monday looks a little more like your cool uncle than your evil stepbrother. If stretching had a best friend, it would be Spandex and they would always play on Sunday.

For the premiere event, STRETCH recently added LEE FOSS of Hot Natured! A fitting 1st guest for Stretch ;)

We also welcome dAvi A. home from Los Angeles for a chill and sexy set that inspires a full range of motion.

Residents Laura and Ava Lisbona will get your blood flowing with some tech-house melters while encouraging you to get your stretch on.

Join us for a pre-party warm-up stretch to limber up your muscles and get you in the groove.

LEE FOSS (Hot Natured)
dAvi A (LA/SF)
Lisbona Sisters (Stretch Sunday)


$5 in spandex, $10 without

Added by Carla Gardner on November 12, 2012

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