Stress Busters for the Holidays with Helene Albright and Debi Dunn
When: Saturday, November 13th
Where: The Soul Center, 550 Kimberton Rd., Phoenixville, PA. 1-4pm
Description: Move your body to the music with Qi Dancing (from Debi’s DVD, Design Your Own Practice).
• Tune up your emotions with Chakra Balancing.
• Connect with spirit and experience powerful personal healing with Reiki and Qi Healing sessions.
• Empower your thoughts with personal affirmations.
• Relax to a wonderful Christmas tree meditation.
• Refreshments will be served!
Fee: $40 (Check, cash and all major credit cards accepted.)
contact: Debi Dunn, 484-431-1270,, or Helene Albright, at
RSVP by November 1st to reserve your place.
Added by Phoenixville Fun on October 14, 2010