University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida

Brendan Brazier - professional Ironman tri-athlete and bestselling author of Thrive Foods - will be hosting FREE local Stress & Nutrition Seminars and Book Signings on Saturday, November 19 in Tampa and on Sunday, November 20 in Sarasota.

Brendan will be speaking on the topics explored in Thrive Foods, including nutrient density and how it helps fight stress, lose weight, battle fatigue, increase energy, improve sleep and mental clarity, support adrenals and balance hormone levels.

Brendan, who helps train celebs such as Hugh Jackman for high-performance roles, promotes an ethical, environmentally-friendly and healthy lifestyle through plant-based foods. He even recently addressed Congress, where he spoke of the significant social and economic benefits of improving personal health through better diet.

More info on Thrive Foods:

LOCATION: University of Tampa – Sykes Chapel
401 W. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL 33606


Added by CrierComm on November 9, 2011

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