Discovering and customizing how best to invite multiple stakeholders to contribute valuable and innovative ideas about the future is an increasingly critical success factor for all industries and organizations. How to do this on a massive scale is a key focus of the Institute for the Future (IFTF), the 40 year old non-profit whose work generates the foresight needed to create insights that lead to action. IFTF's work spans a broad territory of deeply transformative trends, from health care, technology, the workplace, and human identity.
This session focuses on the leading-edge tools and methods developed by IFTF to engage massive audiences to imagine new products, services, business models, innovations, and disruptions. Jason Tester, researcher and founder of the "human-future interaction" framework, will share learning's from IFTF's participatory innovation platforms and lead us in a custom-for-ASP immersive experience. Bring your laptops!
From This Session You Will Learn
* How crowd sourced ideas can be integrated into existing processes.
* What strategies work to provoke and sustain engagement with your employees, customers, and wider constituents.
* How participatory platforms can build ownership in and align community around your organization's vision of the future.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on February 25, 2010