VC's and Angels are sitting out deals, waiting to see where the economic crash of 2008 will take us in 2009. To fuel their companies, entrepreneurs must become more effective at generating revenue and cash flow without investment capital. Unfortunately, the unstable economy has made that difficult, too. What does it really take to be heard over the noise to create customer interest? How can you convince customers that are cutting back on spending to spend on you? How can you execute effective sales and marketing efforts on a shoe-string?
This panel of battle-proven sales, marketing, and business execs will share their best practices and experiences. Whether you're bootstrapping, or trying to stretch the funds from your last round, you'll want to hear what worked, and what didn't, in getting the revenue machine started. Discussion topics will include:
* Maximizing sales and marketing effectiveness on a tight (or non-existent) budget
* Differentiating your company from all the other vendors claiming to have great technology
* Building credibility with large accounts, or attracting a large consumer user base
* Identifying and reaching key decision-makers
* Mistakes to avoid when pitching your product or service
* How to evaluate sales people you are hiring, and motivate them to join your cause
If you are a startup and looking to increase revenue in 2009, then this is a "must-attend" event for you. For more information and to register for this event, please visit
Members - Free; $50 before 2/19; $60 after; $70 at the door.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on February 11, 2009