1655 N. Central Expressway
Richardson, Texas 75080

“What If You Could Have Kept Your Business From Failing?”
80% of Businesses Fail Within The First 2 Years. Are You Going To Be One of Them?
Why are some businesses still doing well while others can’t keep their heads above water?

The difference is MARKETING! Consistent strategic targeted marketing that encompasses various online marketing tactics is the key to success for small businesses.

In this workshop we pull back the curtain and show you:
• How to create a simple strategic marketing plan
• Why the planning can be more important than the plan itself
• How to ensure your plan is implemented
• Ways to incorporate action steps that inspire AND keep you on target
• Internet strategies that the “gurus” charge businesses thousands of dollars for and how to get and use them for free (or almost free)
• The ONE thing you must have to ensure your success
When you leave the workshop you will have a written plan of action to start implementing immediately. We give you the tools and techniques needed to design, develop, and implement your strategic marketing plan.

This 3 hour comprehensive, hands-on workshop is being presented by 3 experts.

Virginia Wells holds a PHD in Organizational Behavior and spent 9 years researching and studying the habits of successful businesses. She is the founder and president of Organizational Behavior Consulting and Training (OBC&T). She combines her business experience and her academic research of successful business practices to create customized solutions for her clients. The Greater Dallas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce hired her to teach business members to launch their start-ups. She successfully helped them increase revenues from 200 to 900%.

Eva Melendez has over 20 years experience in sales and marketing in the computer software industry and over 10 years experience as a business owner. She has been mentored by many of the top online marketing experts and enjoys bringing that knowledge to business owners at speaking and training events to provide them with the latest strategic marketing strategies.

Nick Nicholls has a developed a unique approach to online marketing for small and medium size businesses; utilizing social media, search engines, keyword strategy as well as blogging. For the first time ever he will be revealing this information in a workshop format which will be explained in simple terms we can all understand and more importantly implement with little effort and virtually no cost!

PLUS: Luncheon Roundtable Discussion from 12-1:30pm (Limited Seating so RSVP soon!)

Price: $77 before October 20, 2009 or $87 October 20th-27th (Registration will close on 27th or when sold out)

For Additional $20 Participate in Roundtable Discussion Luncheon After Workshop (includes buffet lunch)

RESERVE YOUR SEAT Call 214-923-9434 or

#1 ($150 Value) Three 30 minute complimentary coaching sessions (one with each speaker)
#2 ($300 Value) Rolodex of online and offline resources/links/tools
#3 ($420 Yearly Value) Lifetime Membership to the V.I.P. Club (provides special discounts for upcoming workshops, showcase your business on our internet talk show, access to multiple resources to promote your business).
#4 ($150 Value) A professional photographer will be onsite to take “headshots” for only $50

Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/businessowners/calendar/11609976/

Added by evaintx on October 15, 2009

Interested 2