981 Silom Road
Bangkok, Bangkok 10500

At the end of the training, the participants would be better able to:

- Set appropriate strategic marketing objectives
- Conduct market and company analyses
- Craft effective marketing strategy and plans
- Choose and develop the appropriate marketing organization

Through a critical linkage of leading-edge concepts and best practices, participants will acquire the knowledge and skills to effectively craft marketing strategies, plans and programs. The topics covered will include:

- Introduction to strategic management
- Pre-requirements for strategic marketing management
- Setting appropriate strategic marketing and related objectives
- Conducting marketing related external situation analysis
- Pinpointing related key success factors
- Conducting marketing and related internal situation analysis
- Pinpointing related SWOT
- How to identify marketing strategy options
- How to evaluate the identified strategy options
- Choosing the most appropriate marketing strategy
- Choosing and developing the right marketing organization
- Developing fitting marketing and related policies

A proper mix of short lectures, Q&A, sharing, discussions, individual & group exercises and case studies.

This program is a must for senior Marketing Executives, midlevel Marketing Managers, Business Owners and all those who must provide significant contribution in determining company’s marketing strategy & plans.


US$ 2250.- per person, net into our account including a certificate, refreshments, lunch, stationery and writing instruments

Official Website: http://www.trainingbangkok.com/upcoming-schedule/strategic-marketing-management/

Added by Eric Ngk on October 19, 2011

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