981 Silom Road
Bangkok, Bangkok 10500


We all know how demanding the field of HR can be. The day-to-day practical issues are challenging, and on top of that, Senior HR Executives must always focus on the big-picture critical issues that affect their organizations.

This HR Strategy & Planning course focuses on looking at HR from a business point of view, helping participants to strengthen their strategic HR competencies and to become more effective strategic & business partners with top management. Attendees will leave with a blueprint of how to maximize their HR impact through involvement in and implementation of strategic initiatives.

- Concept of strategic management
- Setting HR strategic and operational goals & objectives
- Conducting HR related internal and external situation analysis;
- Pinpointing HR related key success factors
- Conducting HR related SWOT analysis
- Crafting of HR strategies, plans & programs
- How to develop the desired organization culture
- How to determine the right organization structure
- How to determine the right number of the personnel required
- Developing fitting HR policies, systems & procedures
- How to develop the required job descriptions, job performance standards and job competency profile
- How to determine the right job grades and salary structures
- Preparation of HR annual operational plans & budgets
- Development of HR performance measurement, monitoring & control systems

A proper mix of short lectures, Q&A, sharing, discussions, individual & group exercises and case studies

This program is a must for Top and Senior HR Executives, midlevel HR Managers, Business Owners, General Managers and Division / Department Heads.

US$ 2250.- per person, net into our account including a certificate, refreshments, lunch, stationery and writing instruments

Official Website: http://www.trainingbangkok.com/upcoming-schedule/strategic-human-resources-management/

Added by Eric Ngk on October 19, 2011

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