Qualifies for 6.25 Strategic Recertification Credits (pending approval)
High-performing companies know good strategy starts with effective leadership - leadership that is always looking three steps ahead for the next move. Establish clear visions. Align your workforce. Execute accordingly. Sounds simple right? Not in today's competitive environment.
HR leaders are under more pressure than ever to capture the marketplace & demonstrate results from workforce practices & policies. Explore critical issues addressing today's realities including innovation, mergers & acquisitions, strategic planning & more. Plus, collaborate with your colleagues & other leaders at the top of their field.
8:30 - 9:45: 7 Keys for Championing Breakthrough Innovation
Discover how to turn raw ideas into powerful value propositions & a technique for communicating innovative ideas in a compelling manner - increasing the chances of getting to yes
10:00 - 11:15: Creating a Traditional Business Plan, the Illusion of Control, and Now What?
Lead your organization to success with these evolutionary business strategies & reap the rewards as employees practice owning their roles & accountabilities
11:30 - 12:45: The HR Guide for M&A Success
Discover how you can add value to your business as it goes through the M&A lifecycle, & develop a game plan for leading the process in a way that keeps a clear view of the people/cultural issues, as well as strategic & financial needs
1:45 - 3:00: Lean Knowledge Transfer
Explore how to eliminate lean training waste, as it relates to selecting & implementing learning technologies; & write a good problem statement & set SMART goals to focus training efforts & resources, improve OJT performance & estimate ROI
3:15 - 4:30: Becoming a Trusted Advisor to the CEO
Leave this session ready to become a business partner with other C-level executives - one who helps them boost their individual effectiveness to drive corporate performance
Official Website: http://www.nchra.org
Added by FullCalendar on October 18, 2012