728 Main Street in Chinatown (between Union and Georgia)
Vancouver, British Columbia V6A 2V7

STRANGER: A photography exhibit of strangers and unfamiliar landscapes. The work is a diverse mix of the abstract, the dreamlike, and the street.

The show features the work of three photographers who connected through Flickr : John Goldsmith, Marc L'Esperance and Lung Liu. Many members of Vandigicam, the local Flickr meet-up group, will be in attendance. Please join the fun if you are in Vancouver!

Opening Night: Friday April 11, 2008, 6:30-8:30pm
Exhibit: April 10 – April 26, 2008
Restaurant Hours: Thursday – Saturday, 6-10pm

Radha Gallery | 728 Main Street
Vancouver | 604.605.0011
www.radhavancouver.org | radha@telus.net

Opening night features a live acoustic jazz duet
by Shannon Thue and Joel Kerr. Food & drinks are available for purchase.

Official Website: http://waxyphotography.com/2008/03/stranger-photography-exhibit.html

Added by WAXY. on March 28, 2008

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