Sunday, May 6, 2007
7-8:00am Race-day Check-in
8:00am Races Start!
Brief Description: The 2007 Silver Springs Duathlon & Biathlon will feature NEW EVENT DISTANCES with a Long Course Duathlon that consist of a 5K Run, 20 Mile Bike, 5K Run, and a Short Course Biathlon which consist of a 10 Mile Bike followed by a final 5K run.
Fees: $35 Du Pre-reg/$40 Du Late-Race day $27 Bi Pre-reg/$35 Bi Late-Raceday
Online Reg. Closes: May 4, 2007 11:59 PM Pacific Time
Race Information: Updates and complete event information can be obtained by visiting!
Biathlon Course...Bike-Run!: The New Biathlon Division will have athletes beginning the race with a rolling bike start as they depart onto the 10 mile course, and then will finish the race with a 5K run.
Duathlon Course...Run-Bike-Run!: The Duathlon Course will begin with a 5K run, followed by a 20 mile bike, and then finishing with a 5K run.
Run Course: The run course is the same for both races and will start in the park. The first mile is a slight and steady climb, and then flattens out to a fast final 2 miles, in which the last mile blazes through the Metro Parks Bike-n-Hike Trail.
Bike Course: The bike course is a 10 mile course in which the Biathletes will do one lap, and the Long Course Duathletes will complete 2 laps. The course has a great balance of rolling hills, flat stretches, and a minor climb to balance out the course!
Official Website:
Added by jeffschuler on April 18, 2007