Nu Wa International with: Linda Fang, Doug Banner and Eth-Noh-Tec present
China 2009
September 10-26, 2009
“Nu Wa Rising”: A Journey To A Chinese Storytelling Village. Walk the cobbled spine of the Great Wall. Explore the imperial courtyards of the Forbidden City. Peruse the gardens of the Summer Palace or Temple of Heaven. But the most exciting experience will visiting the storytelling village of Gengcun. There, a plethora of tales and myths will await you amidst a tradition so grand, that the researchers have deemed this rural farm community “An Ocean of Stories”. Join us as we share, swap, and exchange our stories with over 100 mid-level to master tellers, some of whom know upwards of 500 stories! Share with the People of China, the best of who we are, not just as Americans, but as Global Citizens who love storytelling!
Visit Eth-Noh-Tec Tours to find out more about this exciting, life changing, storytelling adventure!
Nancy Wang & Robert Kikuchi-Yngojo
977 South Van Ness Ave
SF CA 94110
(415) 282-8705
* Note: All dates & prices may fluctuate. You must call for final price determined closer to the date. Charges cover US-to-China air, ground, food, lodging.
Eth-Noh-Tec is funded in part by National Storytelling Network, San Francisco Arts Commission, San Francisco Grants for the Arts, Target, and Zellerbach Family Foundation.
Official Website:
Added by likethegoddess on May 7, 2009