Though in person communication is often considered most effective storytelling method, podcasting is a great alternative to broadcast your message, educate constituents, or sharing your story in a compelling medium. In this session you will learn how simple podcasting your content can actually be. You will also get a better understanding of the investments required to maintain a compelling podcasting. Though this session will focus on audio podcasting, many of the tips and resources will also apply to those interested in video podcast as well.
Attendees should have a basic understanding of podcasts, iTunes, blogging, and RSS distribution prior to attending this webinar. Bring some examples of podcasts and storytelling methods that have been meaningful to you and we will examine how your message can be shared in a similar fashion.
Take Away Skills and Knowledge:
Attendees of this webinar will be able to identify if podcasting is a good match for their storytelling needs. They will have a clear understanding of the technical, time, and human resources required to maintain a podcast. Upon completion, attendees will know what services and equipment are required to maintain a podcast.
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Added by TechSoup Talks on January 8, 2009