736 Mission St
San Francisco, California 94103

Best-selling author Ayelet Waldman; Robin Levi, Human Rights director for Justice Now; and first-account narrator Irma Rodriguez, discuss Inside This Place, Not Of It: Narratives from Women's Prisons, which illustrates the stories of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women across the U.S. It is the newest book from McSweeney's Voice of Witness, a nonprofit oral history book series. Discussion moderated by Dan Schifrin, Museum Writer in Residence, with book signing to follow.

Co-sponsored by the CJM’s StoryCorps StoryBooth, and presented in conjunction with Litquake.

INFO: info@thecjm.org or call 415.655.7800.

TICKETS: FREE with regular admission as follows: General Admission, $12; Students with a valid ID and Seniors, $10; Members and Youth 18 and under, free.

Added by jewishmuseumsf on September 14, 2011

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