#1 Town & Country Village
Palo Alto, California 94301

Women in Consulting presents:

Stop the Madness: Get it All Done without Going Insane

Wed, Apr 20, 8:00am-10:30am, Palo Alto

MORE INFO: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=83856

"Stop the Madness: Get it All Done without Going Insane"
Presented by Tracey Downing, Co-Founder Focused Individual Training (FIT)

This breakfast seminar will challenge conventional wisdom regarding self-care and traditional priorities of women and will provide simple solutions on how to create balance in your life.

This seminar will discuss:
*The definition of health and well being
*Key flaws in conventional wisdom regarding women self-care
*How to make yourself a priority without appearing selfish
*Discussion of pitfalls of not making yourself a priority
*Why it often takes a crisis to focus within
*Relationship problems
*Health issues
*Psychological/emotional struggle
*How to get on the 'balanced track' - with practical recommendations for everyday activities

Speaker BIO:
Tracey Downing, Co-Founder Focused Individual Training (FIT) Tracey Downing graduated from the Kinesiology program at the University of Michigan. She has worked as a Personal Trainer and Rehab Specialist for 10 years. Her experience ranges from physical therapy clinics to professional rugby teams, domestically and abroad. Tracey has worked with a wide variety of clientele including high school & collegiate athletes, weekend warriors, and professionals in sport. She currently owns and runs FIT, a high-end personal training facility in the heart of Silicon Valley, with her husband.

FIT services over 400 clients weekly, including men and women, professionals, retirees, housewives and kids. Their approach is holistic in nature, attempting to help clients set and attain realistic goals for the improvement of their health and wellness.

Tracey has lived and worked in 4 countries, 3 different states and a variety of different settings. Since relocating to the Bay Area, Tracey has been very involved in many community and charitable events.

Wednesday, April 20

Scott's in Embarcadero Shopping Center
#1 Town & Country Village
Palo Alto, CA, 94301

$35-$50 depending on membership status.

Website: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=83856
Email: info@womeninconsulting.org
Phone: 866-428-5708

About Women in Consulting:
Women in Consulting is a non-profit affiliation of business consultants. Our dual mission is to provide companies seeking consultant talent with access to top tier consultants, and to provide a forum for consultants to share information and effectively manage and grow their consulting practice.

Added by nancytubbs on March 10, 2005

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