1315 Spruce St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107

Stop the Hemorrhaging! Fundraiser for the Infant and Maternal Health Project in Sierra
Leone, West Africa Thurs Feb 24th 7-9:30 pm William Way Center 1315 Spruce St.
Phila. Featuring Nurse-midwife Mary Koroma and Dr. Aisha Fields more info to
volunteer or donate 215-546-9617.
African women and babies are more likely to die during childbirth than any other group
regardless of where they live—from West African to West Philadelphia!
Join the Committee! - Open meetings Sundays 7pm @ Uhuru Furniture 1220 Spruce st.
Sponsored by Uhuru Furniture, the African People’s Education and Defense Fund, The
All African People’s Development & Empowerment Project, Uhuru Solidarity Movement
Donate @ developmentforafrica.org or apedf.org

Added by Ruby Gittelsohn on February 17, 2011

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