The annual "Stonewall Celebration!" all inclusive worship service will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Erie at 7180 New Perry Highway (Route 97) on Sunday, June 14th at 10:30 am. Buddhist Lama, Kathy Wesley, will be speaking. John Daley King will tell the Stonewall Story. Jeremy Snyder will lead us in honoring "Our Ancestors of the Queer Spirit". There will be "a closet door" to sign in upon! Join in commemorating the momentous events of June 26, 27, and 28, 1969. It is also "PFLAG DAY" and Mark Hoovler, the president of our PFLAG chapter, will bring us greetings. Coffee hour to follow. Phone: (814) 440-0902. Email: Browse to
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Added by EriePAGuy on May 13, 2009