Telegraph Ave. between 48th & 51st St.
Oakland, California

Stone Soup Improv performs the first Saturday of each month in Oakland's bustling Temescal neighborhood. Each unique show is created on-the-spot using suggestions from the audience! Improv truly is LIVE theater!

SHOW DATES (Monthly First Saturdays)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Box office opens at 6:30pm
Doors open at 7:45pm
Show starts at 8:00pm

LOCATION: Temescal Arts Center
511 48th Street (at Telegraph Avenue), Oakland, CA 94609
(Around the corner from Lanesplitter Pizza)

ADMISSION: $9.00 General
($6.00 for students with ID and seniors)




Stone Soup Improv cast members are: Adriana Russell, Dan Rosenthal, EmilyDuffy, Jennifer Simmons, Jonathan Stern, and Ryan Fuller.

They have performed with many local improvisational groups, including; East Bay Improv, Bay Area Theater Sports (B.A.T.S.), and Pan Theater. Some cast members have also performed with out-of-town groups including; Comedy Sportz, Liquid Fun, SpinProv, PANTS, The Laughing Stocks, and Seven Foot Baby.

Official Website:

Added by stonesoupimprovPR on August 29, 2008