Nerissa and Katryna Nields have been the darlings of the coffeehouse/festival scene since 1991, with tunes ranging from off-the-hook idiosyncratic to kicking to heartbreaking. The quirky, emotive songs of Nerissa and Katryna Nields have always challenged the mind, even as they touched the heart. At the heart of any Nields collaboration is the sublime vocal chemistry of two sisters who have been singing together almost from the cradle. Katryna's volcanic, mercurial soprano seems almost to need the tawny, rich tones of Nerissa's tethering harmonies to keep it here on earth. And Nerissa's cerebral songwriting surges to life in the expressive, vital, engaging vocals of Katryna.
Opener: "We're About Nine"
Official Website:
Added by StoneSoupCoffehouse on January 10, 2010