Ever since he released his self-titled debut at 24, Mark Erelli has exhibited an uncommon musical maturity. From twangy roots rock through finger picked folk, rollicking blues, western swing, rockabilly, nineteenth century ballads, lullabies and songs of social and political commentary, Mark has produced an assured and varied catalog over the last decade. Now 34, with well over 1000 concerts under his belt, multiple awards and growing notoriety as an accompanist, he has one of the most impressive and varied reputations in modern roots music. Erelli’s music ranges from roots rock, folk, blues and western swing to rockabilly, 19th-century ballads, lullabies and songs of social and political commentary. In addition to being one of the decade’s most popular and prolific modern roots musicians Mark Erelli is in demand as a sideman and multi-instrumentalist, and toured as part of Lori McKenna’s band when she opened for Tim McGraw and Faith Hill's 2007 Soul2Soul tour.
Official Website: http://www.soup.org/page3/WinterCalendar.html
Added by StoneSoupCoffehouse on January 10, 2010