Alice Peacock's original hometown is White Bear Lake, Minn., where she grew up swimming in the lake, manning her paper route and daring her friends to stand near the Indian burial ground next door. She was also an avid reader. "I never really traveled when I was a kid, but I could travel in books. Books allowed me to dream. I think that's partly why I became a writer." Reading began stoking Alice's creativity about the same time the family piano did. "I was a curious kid," she says, "and we had a piano in the house, so I figured out how to play it. I made up songs, little melodies." Genetic predisposition likely played a role; Alice's maternal grandmother was a German cabaret composer and performer She does not indulge in the kind of vocal gymnastics that have made so many pop divas indistinguishable from one another. Her human-scale singing draws the listener closer, provides communion, fosters the feeling that we are not alone. Warm as faded flannel, her latest album “Who I Am” recalls the golden age of singer-songwriter pop. It is impeccably crafted, but what's most affecting is how easy and organic it feels, how directly Alice's voice connects with the listener.
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Added by StoneSoupCoffehouse on December 28, 2008