Sponsored by American Enterprise Institute and the Center for American Progress.
Entrepreneurial ventures such as the New Teacher Project, New Leaders for New Schools, and the KIPP Academies are expanding the boundaries of traditional education models by creating innovative frameworks for schooling. Yet federal and state regulations and policies can often hinder rather than support the growth of education innovations. These barriers must be removed to better serve American students.
A new report by AEI, the Center for American Progress, New Profit Inc., and Public Impact offers politically viable solutions to these challenges. Through interviews with several education entrepreneurs and additional research, the authors of the report propose creative ways through which federal and state governments can support and invest in effective school reform. At this event, entrepreneurs will share their experience in changing the traditional education landscape and, together with education policy experts, offer their perspective on how federal and state policy can better support the success and growth of innovations in education.
Official Website: http://www.aei.org/events/type.upcoming,eventID.1920,filter.all/event_detail.asp
Added by insideronline on April 20, 2009