1924 Cedar (at Bonita)
Berkeley, California

Oscar Grant, Troy Davis, and Trayvon Martin. We know what they have in common. They were black men killed by white men with guns- a BART cop, a death row guard, and a Crimewatch vigilante. The second thing they had in common was that each killing was given a certain approbation and legitimacy by the white power structure- the California judicial machine, the Georgia court system, and the Sanford, Florida police. The details of how this occurred in each case take on new meaning as soon as we recognize a common thread, and a common structure to each of these killings. Speaker: Steve Martinot.

Sponsored by the BFUU Social Justice Ctee
Suggested donation $5-$10. No one turned away.
Wheelchair accessible.


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Added by benburch666 on April 8, 2012

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