Empower Your Small Business!
Sell it Events Presents
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
August 12th, 2010
Centre Concord
5298 Clayton Rd, Concord
BUY TICKETS AT http://sellitevents.eventbrite.com
Three Dynamic Speakers Giving you the tools you need to build stronger relationships, develop your brand, and market your business!
*Fantastic Networking Opportunity with other small business owners!
*FREE Gift Bags to First 100 people to register
*10 Exclusive Vendors
*Light Snacks and Beverages
6:15 to 7:15 Patrick Schwerdtfeger, renowned international speaker and author of Webify Your Business, speaks on internet marketing and social networking. Patrick presents successful case studies where organizations have leveraged Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube to increase revenue and brand awareness.
7:30 to 8:15 Ellen Looyen, creator of Ellen Looyen Communications, shares her knowledge on branding. Ellen's charismatic approach will help you discover what is unique and special about you so you can build your personal and memorable brand!
8:30 to 9:00 Christina Wiley, owner of Business Guides and Irresistible Woman Entrepreneurs Club, will be presenting highly effective tactics to networking and building relationships. She will teach you to ask for referals, give referals, and give a perfect "30 second commercial."
For questions about this event or vendor information contact
Sell it Events
BUY TICKETS AT http://sellitevents.eventbrite.com
Official Website: http://sellitevents.eventbrite.com
Added by FullCalendar on July 13, 2010