751 Alameda de las Pulgas
Belmont, California 94002

10:30 -12:00 "Understanding Addiction" - a talk by Paul S. (with time for sharing)
12:00 -1:15 Lunch (Sandwiches & Salad)
Afternoon Workshops: (choose one topic for each hour-long session)
1:30 - 2:30 * Stepping Stones to Your Higher Power
* Dealing with Relapse
2:45 - 3:45 * Good Vibrations - Healthy Ways to Connect with your Partner
* Lighten up, Find Your Funnybone - Humor Heals
4:00 - 5:00 * Parenting Children with Addictions
* Setting Boundaries, Not Walls
5:15 - 6:15 * Accepting Our Feelings
* Tools for Maintaining Daily Serenity
6:15 - 7:30 Italian Dinner & Dessert
7:45 - 8:30 Alateen Speaker: Ashley D.
8:30 - 9:30 Keynote Speaker: Tom W., Oakland, CA

For more information contact: Melinda S., 650-325-9388 (msschuur@pacbell.net), or Signe B.,
650-325-7682 (elaak.sboyer@sbcglobal.net).

Please select the items you want (they may be ordered individually):

Pre-Reg At Door
Lunch (Sandwiches & Salad) $6.00 $7.00
Italian Dinner $8.00 $8.00
Make-Your-Own Dessert $3.00 $4.00
Registration (Workshops & Speakers) $8.00 $11.00
Total Enclosed $_________ $25.00 $30.00 (payable to District 13-A.I.S)

Mail pre-registration to: Mary M., 611 Marlin Court, Redwood Shores, CA 94065. Pre-registration MUST be received by March 31, 2008. Thank You!

From Hwy 101: Take Ralston Ave. Exit West, Turn right on Alameda de las Pulgas.
From Hwy 280: Take 92 East, then first exit (Ralston Ave.). Turn left onto Ralston, then left at Alameda.
Car Pooling Appreciated!!

$25.00 for the whole day. While your donation is needed to support our District, the success of our Day in Al-Anon depends more on your participation than your donation. You are welcome even if you cannot make a donation at this time.

Official Website: http://www.ncwsa.org/

Added by FullCalendar on February 17, 2008

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