150 Park Drive,
Durham, North Carolina 27709

Accelerate Your Career By Learning How to.

Build Your Own Business

Manage Your Time Wisely

Motivate Others AND Yourself

Develop a Common Sense Winning Approach

Increase your Appointments (bookings)

Increase your Sales Average

Develop an Active Sales Organization

Create a More Powerful Presentation

With over 28 years of success in the direct sales industry in both personal achievement and group development throughout the United Sates and Canada, Belinda Ellsworth comes highly qualified to motivate and teach the skills and techniques necessary to "make it BIG"! Her bubbly, effervescent style captures the hearts of her audiences as she laces her presentations with humorous real life experiences and analogies that make learning fun and important points easy to remember. More about Belinda...

Check in will be at 5:30 pm with Belinda beginning her presentation at6:00 pm sharp.

This is a 4 hour seminar...sure to change your business!
I hope you will join us!

Organized by Catherine Pooler
Stampin' Up Independent Demonstrator, Executive

Ticket Info:  
  • Attending Event..advance registration, $36.00
  • Last Minute Registration, $41.00
  • NEW PRICE as of 1/16/09, $26.00

Official Website: http://belindaellsworthseminar-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 6, 2009

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