1000 Howard Street
San Francisco, California 94103

1AM SF is not only an art gallery celebrating urban and street art but also an establishment committed to conveying the positive aspects of this misunderstood form of art. The classes are aimed to give an outlet for people to express themselves creatively and raise awareness to the urban arts. The three classes offered at 1AM are Stencil, Art of Graffiti 1.0 and Art of Graffiti 2.0. We give students first hand experience in the world of street and urban art by teaching them the history, culture, art styles of graffiti and having them paint a mural on one of the busiest streets of San Francisco. 1AM, short for First Amendment, encourages people to freely share their thoughts and ideas through the medium of art in a responsible and innovative way.

Have you ever wondered if you have what it takes to be a stencil artist? Do you like sharp things and spray paint? Feel the need to reject society's conventions and make art that everyone can appreciate? Stenciling is used by several activist groups and governments; it's an inexpensive tool that can have a huge visual impact on the community. Take a class in stencil making with a brief yet insightful history of stenciling with local stencil artist Jeremy Novy. Jeremy is known for his koi fish stencils found swimming throughout the city of San Francisco. Learn the meaning behind the Koi Fish stencil and how to design, cut and spray your own stencil. The class includes all supplies needed and a package of stencil making material.

*Xacto blades, markers, glue, and spray paint provided during the class only.

-occurs every month
-each class consists of one session
-the class is $55/person
Ages 14+ welcome

Official Website: http://www.1amsf.com

Added by 1AMSF on March 7, 2012