Thefourth East Midlands STEM Partnership Forum Event, STEM Partnership - Gathering Momentum, is taking place on Wednesday 29 April 2009, 9.00-1.30pm at the Henry Ford College in Loughborogh.
The event provides an update on the Governments new careers project, STEM Subject Choice and Careers, the opportunity toshowcase STEM projects and for Partners tobuild on the success of the county and citygroups at the last Forum Event, held in November 2008, to share ideas on how to work together to increase impact regionally. Theevent will finish with lunch and networking opportunities.
Please see a brief agenda below:
9.00am Registration and networking
9.30am Welcome to the East Midlands STEM Partnership Forum Event
9.35am STEM Subject Choice and CareersProject Pat Morton, Project Manager 10.00amPresentations from Partners showcasing East Midlands STEM projects
11.00amBreak and networking
11.30amWorkshops on local partnership activity
12.35pm Closing comments
12.45pm Lunch and networking
1.30pm Close
More information will be announced shortly...
Funded by East Midlands Development Agency
Organized by East Midlands STEM Partnership
Ticket Info: Partner, Free
Official Website: http://stemforumevent-upcoming.eventbrite.com