Events are currently being planned for the SHS class of 1989 20th reunion, please contact SARAH LOVE at
Dearheartsjack@aol.com or CHANI DUPIUS (CROSS) at
cplkitty@hotmail.com or follow the link on this page, with your current contact information so we can compile the reunion packets.
In order to accurately plan this event we need to know the number of people interested in participating.
August 7th 8th and 9th 2009-RSVP and pre payment deadline is June 1st 2009
*MIXER* August 7th 2009 @ 8 pm This is an ALL ALUMNI event *Co Hosted by the class of 1984 and 1989* Admission for class alumn's is included in your reunion fees, all other class years $20 per person, $35 per couple, appetizers, entertainment, dancing, door prizes and souvenirs included. Location TBD.
*This is an adults only event*
*Class Dinner/Awards Presentation August 8th 2009 This event is scheduled for the class of 1989 only. check in time begins at 4pm, cocktails from 4pm-6pm. Dinner starts at 6 PM, awards presented during dinner, Music starts at 9 PM with door prizes being presented throughout the night. Will be held at the Great American Casino at the 512 exit in Lakewood, admission to this event is included in your reunion fees, admission day of event is $70 per person or $120 per COUPLE. Due to reservation of space available we ask that this event be limited to the classmate and significant other only.
*This is an adults only event*
*FAMILY DAY/BBQ August 9th 2009-Location TBD, All ALUMNI FAMILY DAY/BBQ, *Co Hosted by the class of 1984 and 1989* 11am-7pm, admission to this event is included in your reunion fees, other classes will be charged a per plate fee or family rate to attend. Music, give aways, field events/prizes for the kids, and a potential softball game are being planned. Parking is FREE!
*This is an all ages event, sorry no alcohol permitted.*
*Designated smoking areas will be enforced.*
Due to the fact that the class of 1984 also planned to have their 25th reunion this summer, we decided to join forces with them in co hosting the all alumni events, having each of our class dinners separately. Charging the other classes fees to attend our events will offset the costs for both 84 and 89, this enables us to plan all 3 events, offset our costs and also to potentially turn a profit to be divided between 84 and 89 to apply to our next reunions.
The cost per couple/family is $150.00 pre pay. This is to attend all 3 days of events!
Individual class pricing is as follows
Mixer- $20 per person $35 per couple
Dinner-$70 per person $120 per couple
BBQ-$15 per person $25 per family *2 or more* (class of 1984 and 1989 only)
To reserve your attendence to these events, please send checks or money orders made out to
Sarah Love
3205 87th St. S. #123
Lakewood Wa. 98499
On a separate piece of paper, please include your name (maiden name) name and number of other adults and children attending, please include the ages of the children* As soon as payment is processed I will send you a receipt with confirmation letter, you will NOT have to bring this with you as your admission will be automatically cataloged to the guest lists.
For those that can pay their fees sooner rather than later it would be greatly appreciated, I am currently working out of my own pocket on deposits and required fees, the sooner I have payments, the sooner I can secure locations and purchase supplies.
I am working with area hotels on securing a base rate for our classmates from out of town, I am also working with child care providers to attend to your children during the adult events, more information regarding these services will be included in your reunion packets!
(If you would like to RSVP with payment being made at a later time please contact me here with your RSVP and expected payment date)
PayPal option of payment is PENDING
Organized by SHS 1989 20th ReunionHello all!
2009 is quickly approaching and that means it's time to organize our 20th Reunion, anyone who is local that would like to help out please contact Sarah Love at
This site will continually be updated with new information and final cost/ticket information so keep checking back!
Ticket Info: - Class of 89 20th Reunion-Couple/Family Rate, all 3 days, $150.00
- Class of 89 20th Reunion-Single Rate all 3 days, $95.00
- Attending Mixer Only-Single, $20.00
- Attending Mixer Only-Couple, $35.00
- Attending Dinner Only-Single, $70.00
- Attending Dinner Only-Couple, $120.00
- Attending Reunion BBQ Only-Single, $15.00
- Reunion BBQ Only-FAMILY RATE (2 or more), $25.00
Official Website: http://shs1989-upcoming.eventbrite.com