Walnut Street, Shadyside
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15232

Come to the Walnut Street Parklet in Shadyside (across from the Apple Store) on Saturday, October 8, 2011 from 11:00-2:00 p.m. for Hounds on the Town! (Rain date: Sunday, October 9) The Shadyside Chamber of Commerce and Journeys of Life Specialty Store are hosting Steel City Greyhounds’ fun event where you can meet beautiful greyhounds and see what great companions these sweet, gentle, retired racing dogs make.  Maybe one is just right for you! There will be information on greyhound adoption, with adoption counselors on hand to answer your questions. Also, Joe's Hot Dogs will donate 10% of all sales to Steel City Greyhounds, with coupons available at the SCG table.

Join the greyhounds at Hounds on the Town and help a loving hound find his way from the fast lane to the most comfortable spot on your couch! For more information, visit www.steelcitygreyhounds.org or call 412-362-2470.

Official Website: http://www.steelcitygreyhounds.org

Added by whirla on October 3, 2011


Marci Anderson

Come out and join in the greyhound fun! HOTT will be smokin' hot with all the good looking greys and owners strutting around Shadyside! Joe's Hot Dogs will be donating a percentage of sales to the "dogs!" Be sure to stop by and pick up a coupon from the Steel City Greyhounds' table!