135 Mall Blvd
Monroeville, Pennsylvania 15146

Pennsylvania’s Largest Toy, Comic and Pop Culture Convention Celebrates 21 years at the Monroeville Convention Center. 209 Mall Boulevard Monroeville, Pennsylvania 15146 on DEC 3-5, 2010. The Steel City Con (a.k.a. The Pittsburgh Toy, Comic & Childhood Collectibles Show) has 500 dealer tables of new and vintage Toys, Gold, Silver and Modern Age Comic Books, Non-Sport Cards, Anime, Gaming, Action Figures, Sci-Fi/Horror, TV & Movie, Godzilla, Model Kits, Star Trek, Star Wars, Transformers, NASCAR, Diecast, Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Johnny Lightning, Barbie, Dolls, Mego, G.I. Joe, Planet of the Apes and much more. NEW EXTENDED HOURS: Friday : 2-8pm; Saturday : 10am-6pm, Sunday 10am-4pm. Admission: Adult – $12 per day or $20 for 3 Day Pass, Kids under 12 – $5 per day or $10 for 3 Day Pass. SAVE almost 50% when you purchase a 3 Day Pass & get Early Admission on Sat & Sun. Celebrity Guests: LOU FERRIGNO (The Incredible Hulk! & star of King of Queens), RICHARD KIEL ("Jaws" from The James Bond Films!), JOYCE DEWITT ("Janet" from Three's Company); PRISCILLA BARNES ("Terri" from Three's Company & The Devils Rejects); KANE HODDER ("Jason Voorhees" from Friday The 13th); BRUNO SAMMARTINO (Wrestling Legend); More Guests to be announced! FREE PARKING! HOURLY PRIZE DRAWINGS! For more details and updates go to: www.steelcitycon.com Orangestone Promotions, Inc., info@steelcitycon.com (412) 213-0224 Follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/Steelcitycon

Added by steelcitycon on September 9, 2010

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