The theme of this year's STC France Chapter Annual Conference, Connecting Communities, provides not only the backdrop for the content of our scheduled sessions. It also encapsulates our overall objective of bringing together technical and business communicators, employers, managers, academics and students with a view to forging new and stronger connections between these various groups.
Our aim with this year's conference is to explore the ways Web 2.0
technologies, social networking tools and the development of online
communities are affecting the technical communication profession and
how technical communicators need to adapt to these new trends,
integrate them into their work practices, and increase their value
within their organization and in the marketplace.
We've got a great list of professional speakers and interactive
sessions lined up and this promises to be our biggest and best France Chapter
conference to date. In fact, there's so much going on that we've had to spread this year's event over two days and two different
locations (though we promise you'll still have time for some
For full program details, visit
Register early to benefit from our Early Bird rates!
Day one
of the conference will be held at the Cit Internationale Universitaire de Paris (14th arrondissement) and will feature morning and afternoon
keynote speakers, break-out sessions, themed discussion, and a
sponsor showcase.
Registration includes all coffee breaks, buffet lunch, and networking cocktail.
Sessions include case studies, best practices, research findings,
and interactive discussions broadly related to the conference theme,
Web 2.0 or social networking tools and technologies that offer new
ways of working and interacting with users or professional communities
Training and recruitment issues in a Web 2.0 world
Cross-cultural communication
Using technical communication skills and new technologies for career advancement
We end the day with a look at the impact the Web has had on the way people, especially younger generations, interact with information, highlighting the need for new communication strategies to meet the new needs and expectations of readers, and inviting attendees to reflect on the future of the profession in preparation for our panel discussion on day two of the conference.
Friday Night Social Outing (Optional Extra. Additional Cost Applies: 30 per person)Join us on Friday night for an evening of vertiginous entertainment and down-to-Earth French cuisine! Socialize with other attendees over a meal of crpes and cider followed by a trip to the top of the "Montparnasse Tower":
http://www.tourmontparnasse56.com/uk/ where you'll discover one of the best views of Paris by night!
Day two
of the conference will be held at the "Rive Gauche" campus of the UFR d'tudes Interculturelles de Langues Appliques de Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (13th
arrondissement) where we will join students and professors of the
Licence Professionnelle Rdacteur Technique, Master 2 Pro ILTS and Master en Conception de Documentation Multilingue et Multimdia (CDMM)
Registration includes morning coffee break, refreshments, and boxed lunch. Thanks to the generous support of Paris Diderot - Paris 7 University, who have donated our meeting space, we are able to offer this second day of the conference at significantly reduced cost.
In the morning, a series of short presentations by students of the CDMM course will provide attendees with fresh insight from newcomers into the world of technical communication who have much to offer, based on the research they are doing. This will be followed by an "Idea Market" session in which attendees will be encouraged to extend and discuss these ideas in small groups, sharing their own experience, and providing feedback to the students to help with their continued research.Presentations will include:
The Added Value of Standardization: Why standardized documentation is profitable
Words in Documentation: Still Relevant? How documentation changes facing user-friendly technology and techno-friendly users
Migrating to DITA . Process, Constraints and Benefits
Why Promote e-Learning in Academic Education and Business?
Choosing Adequate Visuals for Technical Documentation
In the afternoon, our panel discussion "Future trends in Business and Technical Communication," hosted by experienced industry professional Tony Self, will bring together the various topics and trends presented during the conference. We will hear different points of view, including that of a recruiter, a tools provider, and an academic, who will explore these trends and their future impact for business and technical communicators. This interactive discussion will solicit feedback and questions from the audience and encourage them to continue their exploration of these themes for themselves once the conference is over.
Organized by Society for Technical Communication - France ChapterAs a geographical community of the international Society for Technical Communication, STC France has represented and supported the technical communication profession in France and beyond for more than 15 years. Our members come from all areas of the profession, from students and young professionals to senior technical communicators and documentation managers.
Ticket Info: - Member/Student 2-Day Conference Pass, €135.00
- Member/Student - Friday Only, €115.00
- Member/Student - Saturday Only, €30.00
- *** Friday Night Social Outing ***, €30.00
- Non-member 2-Day Conference Pass, €170.00
- Non-member - Friday Only, €150.00
- Non-member - Saturday Only, €35.00
Official Website: http://stcfranceconference2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com