So, you're not going to SxSW 2008. Neither am I. Fancy coming to indulge in a bit of tasty Mexican food instead? Sign up and I'll make a booking for a suitable number of heads at the restaurant in advance.
Added by kapowaz on February 27, 2008
Okay, Wahaca don't take bookings so the plan is this: meet at the Porterhouse ( at around 7pm. I'll toddle over to Wahaca around 8 when we've mostly arrived and see if I can find a table big enough. Once we can, I'll signal us all to troop there. If you're late, look for us at Wahaca, but failing that, try Porterhouse.
sorry Guys. I has Man Flu Fail...
I was sad to miss this but husband did want to see me at some point this month :D
I'll be +1. But, as its a bit near D-day I might need to pull out at the last minute.