What is StayFresh?
StayFresh is a series of monthly gatherings for those that work in the interactive community. if your job title is:
Interactive Developer
Visual Designer
Information Architect/Interaction Designer
Freelance Web Developer/Designer
Production/Project/Business Development Manager
Creative Strategist
then our meetups are for you. Through our StayFresh series, Refresh Events promotes learning, collaboration and interaction in an open and informal environment. Admisson and membership is free, and drinks are on the house.
7:00-7:30 Mix & Mingle
7:30 Ignite Talks
8:15 Peter Flaschner, "Passion"
9:00 Post-event networking
Ignite Speakers
Erin Bury, RedWire
Rachel Azagury, Creating a Buzz
Saul Colt, Freshbooks
Kieran Huggins, MyTTC
Noah Godfrey, GigPark
Leila Boujnane, Ide Inc.
Peter Flaschner, "Passion"
Passion has always played an important role in humanitys day to day existence. Until recently though, that passion expressed itself largely in non-work functions. Today passion is more important than ever. Were free to explore and engage our passions like never before. Its also never been so critical that we nurture and harness our passions to solve the complex problems our society faces. In this presentation, Ill present a few thoughts on how as designers we can do that (and what to avoid) and turn the floor over the group to see if we can collectively develop a toolbox to help us produce work that aligns with our own and our audiences passions.
About Peter Flaschner
Peters formal education is in marketing and design. But its his
broad and varied experience as an entrepreneur that makes him unusually
well suited to modern blog and web design. Peter launched The Blog
Studio in early 2005, after experiencing bloggings benefits first
hand. His personal site, Almost Cool was (once upon a time) a very popular destination for designers and web based entrepreneurs.
When hes not in front of the computer, youll find Peter
playing with his two young daughters, riding his ridiculously expensive
road bike, skiing, playing guitar in his band, or with his nose stuck
in a book.
Organized by Refresh Events
Ticket Info: - General Admission, Free
- Spillover Tickets, Free
Official Website: http://stayfresh06-upcoming.eventbrite.com