800 N Main St
Duncanville, Texas 75116

You are Cordially Invited to the

1st Annual “State of the City” Address

Presented By: The City of Duncanville and the Chamber of Commerce

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hilton Garden Inn, 800 North Main St., Duncanville

Dinner at 6:00p.m.

Mayor’s Address & Man/Woman of the Year Awards to follow.

$50 per guest

Sponsorship Opportunities Available

Black Tie Optional

Please make your reservations by calling 972.780.4990 or emailing to



*Bronze $50 1 Reservation

* Silver $500 8 Rservations, Table Signage

* Gold $1,000 8 Reservations, Table Signage, Preferred Tables Reserved & a Custom Made Banner Stand for your business

* Platinum Presenting Event Sponsor (limit 1 – SOLD- City of Duncanville)

All sponsors will be listed in the program under their level, as well as included in the media promotions. Sponsorship form must be received by January 5, 2009 to be listed in the program.

Official Website: http://duncanvillechamber.chambermaster.com/directory/jsp/events/EventPage.jsp?ccid=265&eventid=4974&qs=ccid=265|visibility=2|month=0|year=2009|context=month

Added by creativecarmen on December 20, 2008

Interested 1