7901 Stoneridge Drive
Pleasanton, California 94588

Like everything else on the web e-mail marketing is moving to version "2.0". There are more capabilities, more regulations and overall just more issues to consider. When done well there can also be more benefits for your business. Because startups have limited resources, email marketing is a cost-effective way of targeting prospective customers and building lasting customer relationships.

This session focuses on the key elements of an effective email marketing campaign.

* Building a Permission Based List
* Choosing the Right Email Delivery Vendor
* Dodging the Spam Filter
* Creative Do's & Don'ts
* Regulations Compliance
* Deciphering the Results

Want to create an effective e-mail marketing campaign or improve your existing campaigns? This is the seminar for you...see you there!

Mike Nelson
WSI Certified Internet Consultant

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Founders, CEOs, and marketing managers of startup companies. Any small business owner looking to create more effective marketing email campaigns.

To pre-register, please email your name to register@ebig.org along with the event title/date.
Members Free, $10 in advance, $20 at the door.

Members free, Guests $10 in advance, $20 at the door.

Official Website: http://www.ebig.org

Added by FullCalendar on May 20, 2008