We'll have a range of experts speaking on all the things you need to know to start a company: what makes a good startup idea and where to get them; what to look for in a co-founder; how to get angel and VC funding; how to incorporate a company and what agreements founders should have among themselves; when and how to apply for patents; what can go wrong in a startup; what acquirers look for; and how the acquisition process works.
Official Website: http://startupschool.org/
Added by far33d on January 18, 2007
Definitely worth it - I went last year. If you don't get in, don't fret - plenty of people took notes that you can find online. I posted mine here
If you are itching to work on your project after Startup School, consider attending SuperHappyDevHouse afterwords!
I'm assuming that having a good seat means getting there early -- anyone got a recommendation as to how early?
Contact me via: http://sargo.com/joel/contact/ if you need a ride to SHDH.
I went last year and i took notes but I also read others people's notes like
Nice job and havea great time if you go
p.s. Last year I went early and got on the waitlist. Californians never get there on time and they want the room full PLUS Kresge is HUGE
hahah "Californians never get there on time" ain't that the truth. I always roll into conferences about an hour or two late, especially if they are multi-day conferences. This will be different though, I plan on leaving at 8 from SF.
So wait, Larry.. I have a friend who just found out about this today (I forgot to tell him, whoops!) If he goes and hangs out, is it possible he can get in?
If you're an alpha-nerd, this is like serious crack for your brain ;) Both Paul and Jessica are amazing and they put together a super solid line-up each time. Here's a podcast feed of the last two Startup Schools to hold you over till the big day:
YCombinator - Startup School Podcast
Be sure to apply early!
Jessica just released her new book: "Founders at Work: Stories of Startups Early Days". I just ordered a copy and can seriously hardly keep my socks on waiting for it...