540 University Ave
Palo Alto, California

StartupLegalandFinanceBootcamp is a limited seating (40 people only, we have a small space sorry) 1 day BarCamp for Silicon Valley entrepreneurs who want to learn the basics of legal and financial details of starting a new company.

We are inviting 3 CEO Founders, 3 angel investors and 3 Legal, Accounting and HR professionals who can help answer questions, walk you through the basics of:
1. Legal structure of the company (C Corp vs. LLC vs. S Corp)
2. Funding (angel vs. Venture capital vs. bootstrap)
3. HR and Operations (Benefits, payroll etc.)

NOTE: Due to Space Limitations, we're limiting participants to only 40. Please sign up on the event wiki below.

Need to get in touch?
email: startupcamppaloalto@gmail.com
twitter: www.twitter.com/startupcamp

More info and how it got started:


Official Website: http://barcamp.org/StartupLegalandFinanceBootcamp

Added by ericgonzalez on February 15, 2008



I can't wait!