360 S Bates St
Birmingham, Michigan 48009

Do you want to hit the airwaves as the host of your own radio talk show?

Learn the basics of what you need to do to start your own show. We’ll cover topic selection, hosting skills, finding guests, where to find free radio show technology, easy ways to organize your production, and 10 ways to publicize your show.

In this overview class you'll receive a lot of great information so you can get started immediately! Includes handout and 30-min private tele-coaching call to be scheduled within 30 days after the course.

1. Call (248) 644-5832
2. or Register online at http://www.communityhouse.com

Tara Kachaturoff is the host of Michigan Entrepreneur, a weekly TV talk show with over 225+ interviews to date. With over 15 years in corporate finance in the tech sector, she now works as a consultant and online business/project manager for small businesses who want to increase productivity and profits. She’s written hundreds of articles and a few books, including co-authoring a recent Amazon bestseller. Over the years, she has taught dozens of classes on a variety of topics to small business entrepreneurs who want to increase their visibility, credibility and profitability. Tara is also the creator, producer and host of Teach Me Law Radio where she interviews legal professionals from around the nation about various aspects of law.

Added by alex2007 on December 18, 2011

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