604 Brazos Street
Austin, Texas 78701

StarChefs.com™, the award-winning online magazine for culinary insiders, is thrilled to announce its 2012 Austin–San Antonio Rising Stars award winners. The winners will be showcased at the StarChefs.com Rising Stars Revue on Tuesday, February 21, 2012, from 6pm – 9:30pm at The Driskill Hotel, hosted by Chef Jonathan Gelman of Driskill Grill. The walk-around tasting gala will give diners the opportunity to eat their way through Austin and San Antonio’s top restaurants and sample beverage pairings by the winning sommelier and mixologist, in one location, for one night only. And we’re especially excited, as this is the first year StarChefs.com has held a Rising Stars Revue in Austin–San Antonio.

Over 60 Austin–San Antonio candidates were considered through in-person tastings and interviews. The 2012 Austin – San Antonio Rising Stars Award Winners are:

David Bull, Congress Austin – http://www.congressaustin.com/congress
Ned Elliott, Foreign & Domestic – http://www.fndaustin.com
Aaron Franklin, Franklin Barbecue – http://www.franklinbarbecue.com
Bryce Gilmore, Barley Swine – http://www.barleyswine.com
Rene Ortiz, La Condesa – http://www.lacondesaaustin.com
Paul Qui, Uchiko – http://www.uchiaustin.com/uchiko
Quealy Watson, The Monterey – http://www.themontereysa.com
Andrew Wiseheart, Contigo – http://www.contigotexas.com/Austin

Plinio Sandalio, Carillon – http://www.thecarillonrestaurant.com
Philip Speer, Uchiko – http://www.uchiaustin.com/uchiko

Michael Sohocki, Restaurant Gwendolyn – http://www.restaurantgwendolyn.com

Josh Watkins, Carillon http://www.thecarillonrestaurant.com

John Bates and Brandon Martinez, Noble Pig – http://www.noblepigaustin.com

Tyson Cole, Uchi, Uchi Houston, and Uchiko – http://www.uchiaustin.com
Jason Dady, Bin 555, Tre Trattoria, and Two Bros. BBQ Market – http://www.jasondady.com

June Rodil, Congress Austin – http://www.congressaustin.com/congress

Jeret Peña, The Esquire – http://www.esquiretavern-sa.com

Jonathan Gelman, Driskill Grill – http://www.driskillgrill.com/

Tickets are $85 per person; VIP tickets are $125 and include a private reception with Champagne and Petrossian caviar, beginning at 5:45pm. Tickets can be purchased at www.starchefs.com/tickets or by calling 212.966.7575.

Added by Danielle Kaplan on January 26, 2012