Did you hear the one about the Jewish and Palestinian-American comedians? Join the NYSEC Cultured Comedy Club for something a little different to start the new year. STANDUP FOR PEACE: The Two Comedian Solution to Middle East Peace, brings together Scott Blakeman and Dean Obeidallah for a "disarmingly" funny evening. This very timely program uses laughter as an ambassador. STAND UP FOR PEACE encourages people of all backgrounds to come together on common ground in support of a dialogue for a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Price: $15 members; $20 non-members (includes two drinks) – available at the door
Travel: Subway: A, C to 59th Street/Columbus Circle or 1 to 66th Street/Lincoln Center
Official Website: http://www.nysec.org/2009/01/31/cultured-comedy-club-january-31-2009/
Added by NYSEC on January 20, 2009