155 Gibbs St, Ste 300
Rockville, Maryland 20850

Interested in pursuing photography as a career? Then this is the talk for you. Dane Sanders, photographer and author, will introduce you to the Fast Track system of how to use your core strengths to build a photo business that will thrive in any economy.


Dane Sanders is a popular photographer, author and speaker. He has been invited to be a platform speaker at Wedding & Portrait Photographers International (WPPI), Imaging USA and as a sponsored speaker at PhotoPlus East in New York City. He has been featured in numerous publications including Rangefinder andProfessional Photographer. Fast Track Photographer: The Definitive New Approach to Successful Photography is Dane’s first book. Dane and Tami, along with their four children, make their home in Newport Beach, California.

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/search/?q=dane+sanders&init=quick#/event.php?eid=211240388536&index=1

Added by fasttracker on January 28, 2010

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