Riot Act Comedy Club is delighted to present "Standing Out". A comedy show featuring four of D.C.'s rising comedians; Kojo Mante, Jermaine Fowler, Jason Weems, and John McBride. Don't miss the comedy event that will have you laughing for days after it's over.
Jermaine Fowler began pursuing his stand-up comedy career at age 18. He has appeared in shows with Todd Rexx, Mike Brooks, Andy Hendrickson, Rob Cantrell, and Joe Recca. Now, at 19, he has been featured on XM Radio "Too Much Information", Local Point TV, and DCTV.
Jason Weems is one of the most talked about comedians in Baltimore and Washington D.C. He has appeared in shows with John Witherspoon, was a finalist at Comedy Idol in Detroit, and can be seen regularly at the Baltimore Comedy Factory.
Kojo Mante is quickly becoming one of the most sought after comics in the D.C. area. He has appeared in shows with Greg Giraldo, Patrice O'Neal, and was a feature act at the D.C. Comedy Festival in 2007.
Hosted by the hilarious John McBride!
Event submitted by on behalf of RiotAct.
Added by RiotAct on September 5, 2007