Emerson College
Boston, Massachusetts

An eight-session workshop in writing and performing stand-up comedy--
Workshop dates are Wednesday evenings, February 10, 17 & 24; March 3, 17, 24 & 31; and April 7, 2010 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm--

The STAND-UP COMEDY WORKSHOP at Emerson College is designed for budding comedians who aspire to write and perform their own comedy sets for live audiences. In this exciting eight-week journey to the stage, you'll begin with your natural talent to make people laugh, and develop new writing and performance skills.

Learn essential writing techniques from the workshop's instructor, comedian-author Mike Bent, and create routines that reflect your personal comedy voice.

Prepare new material by exploring such topics as keeping a comedy notebook, writing joke routines, creating a character, and overcoming writer's block.

Get ready to take the stage by learning microphone and performance techniques, and find out how to deal with hecklers.

The workshop also includes a special master class taught by comedian Eddie Brill, talent coordinator for the Late Show with David Letterman.

On the last night of the workshop, you'll have an opportunity to present a stand-up comedy routine to a live audience at The Comedy Studio in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Space is limited. Participants who have, at a minimum, a high school diploma or GED may register for this workshop. For registration information, fees and policies, contact the Department of Professional Studies at Emerson College. Tel.: 617-824-8280.

Official Website: http://www.emerson.edu/ce/programs/Stand-Up-Comedy-Workshop.cfm

Added by Multicultural Writers Conference on November 26, 2009

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