Young Israel Shomrai Emunah invites you to:
Stand-Up Comedy Night:
Featuring: Frum Satires Heshy Fried
With an opening act by Silver Springs very own Lipman and Litwack!!!
Date: Saturday
Night/Motzai Shabbos March 21st 2009
Time: Doors
open at 9:00 PM, Show starts at 9:15 PM
Location: 1132 Arcola Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20902
Pricing: Tickets in advance $20, Tickets at the door: $25
Ticket includes concessions at the event.All profits from this event will go to support Young Israel Shomrai Emunah of Greater Washington.
About Frum Satire:
Heshy is a writer and stand-up comedian. He writes the
popular Jewish comedy blog FrumSatire.net where he explores the humorous side
of orthodox Jewish life. His site attracts nearly 2,000 daily readers.
Questions? Contact Noah Wolfe at:
Buy your tickets today because Adar doesnt end with
MiShenichnas Adar Marbim BeSimcha!!!
Organized by Young Israel Shomrai Emunahhttp://www.yise.org
Ticket Info: - Basic Supporter, $20.00
- Friend of Shomrai, $36.00
Official Website: http://frumsatire-upcoming.eventbrite.com