246 Tremont Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02116

The Comedy Connection (www.comedyconnectionboston.com) and Steinberg Talent (www.steinbergtalent.com) have teamed up for a great night of stand-up comedy on Wednesday, April 25th benefiting The SAMFund, a unique nonprofit designed to help young adult cancer survivors.

Tickets are $20 each and the show is open to anyone 18 years of age and older.

All proceeds from the event will go directly into our grants and scholarships program for young adults struggling with the expenses associated with finishing cancer treatment.

To purchase tickets or for more information, please email info@thesamfund.org or visit www.thesamfund.org/events.html.

Official Website: http://www.thesamfund.org

Added by SamanthaMeg on March 29, 2007