The Stand up comedy boat ride will feature four rising New York City comedians. The comedy show will be hosted by Jonathan Powley and he has performed at Caroline's, Gotham, New York Underground Comedy Festivals. here are three other comics who will contribute towards an afternoon of comic relief.
Harrison Greenbaum is known as the magic comedian and he has performed at Caroline's, Gotham, Boston Comedy Festival. He is also a talented writer for MAD magazine.
Roger Hailes has appeared on the Chappelle show, VH-1 and comedy stages around the world.
Tom McCaffrey has performed on Comedy Central and VH-1.
During the comedy boat ride, all single men and women will have an opportunity to participate in a meet and greet to make a love connection.
DJ will spin r&b, salsa, top 40 and dance music on board the boat.
Light refreshments will be served on board the boat.
Cash bar for drinks.
Added by joanna.allen2009 on October 28, 2009