On May 31, 2009 the Chris Elliott Fund will be holding a stand-up comedy show at the Snoqualmie Casino at 5pm headlined by Owen Smith. Owen Smith, a hilarious comedian from LA, has appeared on "Everybody Hates Chris", "BUFU" and Comedy Central's "Premium Blend". In addition to Owen we have several local comedians that will open the show. From 7-9pm we will continue the evening with live music from Storm Creek.
By purchasing tickets to this event you are helping us to meet our goal of $25,000 of which 100% of the money raised will go to benefit brain cancer research.
NOTE: No one under 21 years old will be admitted.
Cancer cures start with cancer research and with your help we can secure a cure.
Official Website: http://www.chriselliottfund.org/content/events/comedyshowmay31.asp
Added by ReesyCup on May 9, 2009