6495 Hudlow Road
Union Mills, North Carolina 28167

The STAND Homeschool Group is hosting a play on the Revolutionary War on Saturday, January 30, 2010, at 6:00 PM in the Auditorium.

“STAND for Freedom”, written by Pam Oakes, will be performed by 50 children (ages 5-16 yrs). These children studied the war during two 8 week co-ops during 2009. The play begins with the preliminary reasons for the war and goes through Valley Forge. The revolutionary time period and modern times have many parallels, primarily the relationships between the people and their government. This play aims to be fun, to teach the history of our nation, and to enlighten those around us of our privilege and duty to stand for our freedoms.

Official Website: http://unionmillslearningcenter.org

Added by catlady199 on January 20, 2010

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