Take your fitness to the next level with this fun and challenging outdoor exercise program that is appropriate for all ability levels. This class combines cardiovascular fitness, strength training, agility, balance and coordination to create a complete and unique workout. If you enjoy fun, friendly competition and teamwork, this is the class for you and your friends! Your instructor is ACE-certified, with a BS in Human Performance and has 20 years experience within the fitness industry. Join our group any time.
Class meets every Tuesday evening at 7PM and
every Saturday morning at 10AM.
This is an ongoing program.
Join us at:
Parking Lot of
1200 High Ridge Road
(off of Dunn Avenue, across from Noelle)
Call or email for more information and to register:
spinlordct@aol.com or (203) 253-3179
Other locations and times are available, please call for details.
This program is presented by
Chris Terenzio of In-Home Health & Fitness
Added by dterenzioihhf on August 7, 2009
I have been taking the boot camp classes in the Trumbull location and I must say that it is the best workout. I love exercising outdoors, even in the rain. I can jog faster, I feel stronger and I love my new "boot camp" buddies.
Deb Dilworth